Wednesday, October 20

I Am A Needle User

I started using needles...
...for making inkblots.  :D

I was using the dropper that came with the ink.  The needle, with it's smaller 'nozzle,' allows for a greater spread of blots on the paper.  In my eye, this makes for slightly more detailed images.  I am not entirely sure what I am talking about because I am being haunted by my triforce of insomnia:

I know I should be presenting them in a subjective format for maximum response, but screw that.  I see: 

1) The one on the top is a horned-horse-headed demon giving me the thumbs up. 2) Bottom Left - OBVIOUSLY a skull, à la Punisher, 3) DAMN JUGGALO!

So, gonna try to sleep now.  These will be dry by morning.  I think I will go with ol' Skully to scan.


  1. I'm pretty sure that horse in the top is giving you the finger dude :/

  2. unfortunatly I see mordekaiser from LoL.... I am sad now

  3. You see a skull, I see a panda. I think that says a lot about us. =D

  4. wow, can't wait to see more of these inkblots!

  5. Yep, the demon horse is definitly giving you the finger... To me however, it tells me I'm awesome, oooh, this must be awkward since you are it's creator and all...

  6. LoL damn juggalo. An ugly juggalo. Are there beautiful juggalos? Dunno.

    Oh look, the skull of a panda!

  7. I hope you got some sleep, and I kind of see what you're talking about in the first one hah

  8. I see a panda with demon wings on the top one. The second one I can only see a skull, funny how once I read the response of someone else that's all I can focus on. The bottom right I see poodles.

  9. Oh, and I really thought this was going to be your admittance to using smack.


What do you see?