Saturday, April 30

Rate My Wife, Please

"Two mice looking over the shoulder of a chef cooking a pot of peas."

That's an interpretation from my wife from yesterday's blot.  You would think I would be 'gentle' or 'reserved' about this, but truth be told, I am a little scared.  She (like a lot people, apparently) did this and the others below at work.  No provocation, no request.  This isn't some cutesy thing we are doing together.  If I can't put her up for Redemption, then what's the point?

I did mean to ask her why her mice look like rams, and while I assume the star on the chef's hat is some idle decoration, hopefully she will explain that too.  Let's look at some more from her:

That there is a hawk, who is also a conductor.  A dual-baton-wielding hawk conductor in a spiffy tux.  She didn't include what musical piece he was dealing with at the time, but I imagine it was something along the lines of this right here.

A few of you that watched Episode 11 (where she already received some ratings) might be familiar with this.  Yes, it is a turkey on top of some lingerie-clad androgynous individual.

It's all about using the negative space.  And a proper baster. 
Original Blot

So, what do you say?  How would you rate her on The Scale?  Here is a quick refresher: On a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is "mild" and 5 is "mild with a 99% chance of intense psychosis," what would you give her?  There are many Redemption chapters to look at to get an idea of how the scoring goes, and let's just revisit D4 for his take on the Turkey Head:

D4, what a nice guy!  Has your opinion changed with the additional interpretations?
Don't be shy!  Rate away!  I'm sure this is perfectly fine and WILL NOT, I repeat, WILL NOT come back to bite me in the ass!

Don't Forget: Be a part of the charity experience!  Go and vote for the inkblot interpretation for Session 2!


  1. 3.2, its reasonably sensible and non threatening.

  2. Haha wow that hawk conductor is awesome.

  3. Nah, I haven't changed. I totally see where the turkey is, the hawk conductor and everything. The weirdo chef is.. interesting.. I'd still stick with a 2.3 though.

  4. I think she was being polite with the turkey. When I look at the blot it screams something very 2 girls one cupish.

  5. I'm going with a middle of the road 3...fairly sane with a hint of crazy

  6. I say shes a 2.5
    nothing too disturbing going on.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. HA, those are some crazy interpretations. I give her a 7... wait that's not on the scale...

  9. High praise from Colin B, founding member of the Over 4 Club!

  10. That hawk conductor kicks ass. It's like a lost character from Star Fox or something.

    I find it comforting your wife doesn't have creepy or disturbing visions. Because if she did, and knowing she had you as a husband, I'd be waiting for a documentary to come out on the two of you in a couple of years after a few people are discovered dead, half-eaten, and painted with ink.

    I give your wife a 1.5

  11. It looks like a terrorist with goats flying behind him about to dump some sort of radioactive material somewhere.

  12. Very.. special style she got going there :P

  13. 5! What an interesting concept.

  14. 5..!!! I see the hawk!! ^__^
    <_< d4 is jealous... Lol

  15. Wow this is brilliant 4.5 here.


What do you see?