Monday, May 2

The End Of The Blue Ink

Remember, this is a picture of ink randomly put on paper with some
random Photoshop effects applied.
If you see Jar-Jar or perhaps a man with a bat helmet and a cape,
it's your own fault.

I'm almost finished my Interview With An Anonymous Inkblot Interpreter, and I almost have all the prizes (well, 'stuff') gathered up for the contest.  I am not entirely sure why I set the date in the voting widget the way I did, but I am happy with those dozen votes until we get Session 3 up.  Thanks to everyone that voted there and to everyone who helped Redeem my wife, even though you can still take a peek in her cerebellum and rate her sanity if you'd like.

Inkblot Cat watches you..oh, no wait, not this time.

I figure since I am going to be all over the place (in my head) this week, I might as well do all the blots at once.  You never know.  Plus, I really wanted to get rid of that oddball bottle of blue ink that lasted for 4 months.

Inkblot Cat watches you...OH COME ON!

I should probably go shut the window.  With my luck one of these would blow right on to the computer monitor.


  1. i'm seeing a frowning frog with hooks for hands

    looking at inkblot cat made me sleepy :(

  2. That blot above looks like an ice skater spinning fast. Love the kitty. Lucky cat. I wish I could curl up in my office chair instead of using it for work!

  3. I swear I was going to say a Frog like alien creature...then I read your JAR JAR caption!

  4. I looks like a mirror image of a frog eating a fish.

  5. Unfortunately, it looks an awful lot like my shirt after a spagetti dinner...
    Mrs. Bunched thinks I should start wearing a bib at the table.

  6. Your cat looks strikingly similar to mine lol. The first picture reminds me of a frog

  7. Welp, I know what my interpretation of it is.

  8. Deformed frog-like face. He's mad.

  9. i like the frog eating fish one. personally i see a mutant super crab, the eyes are attached to the external optic nerve at the top

  10. Donno about the wife, but that's a damn fine pussy you have there. It would make any man proud!

  11. I hate you. You made me see Jar Jar.

  12. > A frog run over by a tank.

    This! very much this.

  13. hhahah i thought i was the only one who saw a frog. i'm relieved.

  14. Mirror and a real image of a woman dropping a bowl with some fluid

  15. Yeah, that happened to me once, glad it was acrylic paint...


What do you see?