Friday, October 15

Inkblot Of The Day (Friday)

Three pleasant emails awaited me today with various interpretations from yesterday's blot:

I see a bird headed winged demon pulling a 18th century pirate, or Cap'n Crunch, into a bottomless abyss.

This from Janus Kane, already noted for his deep brooding manner.  I love the fact that it could be an 18th century pirate OR Cap'n Crunch.  I vote for the later.

Then there was Dan, who might want to tone down his action-movie intake:

I'll admit that it is pretty bad-ass and I would watch a movie based off of it.

Last but not least, The A-Vegenator, who I think skipped a few doses of his daily meds:

The Creature from the Black Lagoon (with bat on head) taking on two (ninja) turtles. Also, some dogs and foxes.

All three are entertaining, interesting and slightly disturbing.  I appreciate the effort.

Cockshiner had a bit of insight: "I've noticed that when there are more colors, it feels like things jump out at me less. I almost always see something in single color ink blots."

Thank you for this.  It is exactly the type of info I am looking for.

Feel free to email any interpretations or...well, anything, to  Enjoy your weekend.  


  1. I see a pear that is rotting and lots of things around it are eating at it or growing roots through it.

  2. to be honest i dont really see much, they look like monsters to me

  3. I see a goat with a hat on fused with a panda bear

  4. It's a penguin-like bird!

  5. Well, I see a pentagram in the last one lol.

  6. whoa pretty cool stuff man. love this blog! you got a new follower!

  7. My observations were actually pretty similar to yours

  8. I see one of the type of monsters you would see in the tribal stage of the game spore.

    Also great blog, following

  9. I see a bird flying, with crazy feathers sticking out of its head. I outlined it but it just wasn't anything special.

  10. I see a tower, with beams of light shooting out from the top, or possibly reflecting off of it. The tower is surrounded by a massive forest of thorns and roses.

  11. This latest one looks kind of like a plant with the head portion on top.

  12. A man is traveling down a slope between 2 mountains on a luge, where a pack of warriors armed with spears,clubs, and maces are waiting to skewer/smash him as he goes by.

  13. I see ovaries. Yep.

    Also props, this is one of the most... er, "unique" blogs I've seen so far.

  14. i hate to say this but looks like one from the bin =/

    otherwise a chopper firing missiles

  15. It looks like my mom getting raped by the family dog, Snarls Barkley...

  16. If you flip it over it is a goat's head with horns on the top, ears poking out to the side, and a bunch of straw in it's mouth

  17. I see a fat penguin staring up with its arms flailing and crying tears or blood

  18. Hahahaha... Veg... Also, puppies! The collar hit the hardest for me. I love your updates, Rorch, a real pleasure in my blogruns. Very interactive, just begs to come back tomorrow.

    Commie brainwashing.

  19. I think it looks like a cow sleeping on its back

  20. those look like organs! kidneys!!

  21. This one is easy. It's clearly a bat with the head of a deer. It looks ridiculous but there is no other way to interpret this one.

  22. now that I look at it, it looks like a butterfly on steroids


What do you see?