Friday, October 8

Inkblot(s) Of The Day (Friday)

After JillDine looked at my trash, she said she didn't realize there was a wrong way to do these.  She's right, but this blue ink is a different brand than the black, it's a bit more runny.  Plus, I was trying to 'force' an image, and I don't have the skill for that yet.  INK EVERYWHERE.  I enjoyed your responses to the trash can post.

Here are the two that made it:

Tomorrow and Sunday will be continuations of the inkblot game (video version), which has been slowly mutating and evolving, thanks to those that participated.


  1. the 2nd one makes me think of a marine in starcraft :p

  2. This is really awesome. I dont have any idea why this interests me as much as it does, because a lot of things don't. I might give this a shot myself.

  3. I'll reserve my comments for the first image, being as it's the only one that I can associate something with. So, if my memory serves me correctly, it actually reminds me of the video game character Spy. The "head" portion bears uncanny resemblance IMO.

  4. I don't even know what to say these look like haha, my mind can't decide. But they both look pretty sweet

  5. egad. the first one looks like baphomet. the second is clearly doctor robotnik

  6. I see an elephant man in one, and a butterfly in the other :/

  7. I see heaven in the first one and butterflies in the second, is it wrong?

  8. 1 - I see a man (in the middle) dressed in robes, kneeling down praying. Below him (on the floor with him) are two dead children. All around him are clouds (top) and buildings crumbing down.

    2 - I see an elephant whose trunk is going down into a pool of water (middle). On either side of his trunks are two chickens (white) whose necks are being bitten by frogs (blue). Everything around them I see as the tops of other frogs and animals (overhead view) waiting to see what happens.

    Do a lot of people see images in different perspectives? I've seen a few where one thing is seen from straight on and something else is seen from behind or above (all in the same picture). Is my brain just trying to reach out and interpret by whatever means necessary?

  9. @ Vegetarian:

    You can see anything in these pictures as long as you put your mind to it.

  10. The top one looks like a weird mix of machinery and rock forged into a walker of some kind. Psychoanalytically, this indicates I'm a nerd.

    The bottom one looks like Shiva. Psychoanalytically, this indicates I should feel bad about the hamburger I ate yesterday. I don't.

  11. The first image looks like elephants sitting down with blue jeans on.

  12. great!

  13. For the top one I see two men in robes with long elephant trunks looking down at their penises.

    In the second one I see Bowser from Mario.

  14. I think the second one looks like the face of a spider. I can see all the eyes, and the bottom two blue figures are its mandibles.

    awesome stuff man, love coming here everyday.

  15. The Batman.

  16. I see an alien face in the first one!

  17. The added blue make me think of abtract StarCraftII Soldiers....HALP!!!!

  18. @That Which Haunts - Haha, I am so glad you outlined that. Thanks for taking the time to do so.

    Now if Cockshiner would do that for his, the world would be a stranger place.

  19. bottom one looks like an evil blue pacman.

  20. nice work here... btw, I have Hayden Panetierre bubbled on Enhanced by MS Paint :P

  21. in the first i see two guys in front of each other and in the second i cant get it

  22. These look like that guy from watchmen you know?

  23. Top one, humanoid sitting on a throne.

  24. Haha I see a lot of weird things in this one...Feel a bit perturbed,will share later. Thanks Rorschach, for always leaving thoughtful comments on my blogs,its greatly appreciated.

    Keep up the good work

  25. The top one is a guy holding has hands forward and trying to welcome a lost soul. Looks like a good and nice man to me.

  26. the first one is a guy with moustache and wide hips

  27. It looks like gas puffs from Koffing.

  28. the second one could be a megaman boss

  29. Inkblots are very interesting pieces of research. Good post, following and supporting!

  30. 1: The Joker sitting on a throne.

    2: Some sort of turned-over bug

  31. 1: Gorillas meeting in a forest

    2: Some sort of humanoid-esque monster

  32. My pleasure man! I may keep doing it for fun.


What do you see?