Thursday, June 9

Mystery of the Coffee Table Book

There is a printing error that, so far, none of the three recipients has taken notice to.  Will you join them,  OR PUT THEM TO SHAME?  (No audio in this vid.)

Still some Redeeming to do: just go back one day.


  1. somebody, please put me to shame. I've passed this through many hands and many eyes and no one so far has said anything. D= The suspense kills me!

  2. I sawwww it I sawwww it, nyaaana nyaaana nyaaaaa-na! I won't post it for the sake of the others. Honestly. If I had to suffer? So will they. Sent the email fuh proof.

  3. I know what it is! The last page is blank!

  4. There are ink stains on half the pages...

  5. Interesting. I see a kind of mask? I don't know.

  6. WHAT
    the inkblot print of the red..crab.. thing, on that book looks messed up on the right side, but mine is perfectly fine :( WHAT IS IT


What do you see?