There were a couple of things I wanted to address from the comments on yesterdays blot.
1) I would love to comment on each one of your interpretations,
especially those of you that take the time to add some colorful adjectives. Admittedly, most of my comments would basically be: "Wow, I never would of thought of that!" but I like to think that if we were at a bar we could get in to a good conversation. I find inkblots to be rather fun; like those 'Would You Rather...' questions you sometimes do on car rides or at the pub to just get the conversational juices flowing.
Unfortunately, addressing even just one person could take several pleasant hours, and you can see where that would be rather time consuming.
2) Taking #1 in to consideration, I have decided that I will pick one comment/interpretation from the previous day's blot to try and quickly outline or illustrate it. Just to see if that's what you are seeing. Maybe help some other people get their mind in another gear. I wish I could say that I am determined to do it every day, but I feel the same time constraints from #1 would be in effect here. I wish it were otherwise.
Going to go with Frank's response: I can vaguely make a man up looking like he is praying in the white spots...
Moving on...
3) Michael Casspir said...
When someone looks at an inkblot, it's INCREDIBLY subjective to say "If you said X, you must be a case of Y", but if you start describing an event in your childhood that could indicate a repressed sexuality syndrome, then we're getting somewhere.
My poll could of been worded more correctly; the second option has some rather biased words...nothing to indicate that using ANY medium to solicit someone to talk about their problems would be a boon to psychology.
(I also noticed that Cass failed to mention what he saw?)
4) The Angry Vegetarian - You just have to accept that in several weeks, your vague request will be fulfilled, or at least it was fulfilled several weeks ago? I don't know why I engage in such a convoluted time line for my blog. Anyway, I trust the record-keeping of the internet to prove to you (in several weeks) that what you suggested will be worth laughing at when we look back on in. Later on. In the future.
Don't take that the wrong way.
Well, after all that, I'm going to attempt to catch you all up on what's been going on in my little inkblot game world. This 'episode' is just some transition period between game styles. I haven't exactly been detailed in my explanations of what is going on in these videos.
It's pretty long, and I don't expect most of you to watch it even half way. :) Sorry I can't find an untainted blot to put here for you to comment on, but you will see it in the first few moments of the video.
Even though there is a content warning for this blog, I feel compelled
to restate it here. There is 'bathroom' humor and foul language.
Music: "cloudwalk" by Transient can be found at .Under use from Creative Commons license: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs
Well, if you have gotten this far, and didn't just skim through the page (we are all guilty!) I'd love to hear any thoughts or suggestions or comments on the 'progress' of things.