Saturday, October 23

Episode Eight (Part 1 of 3)

Ooops!  I didn't get this one in time.  My bad.  From Thursday's blot:

That is Krang from TMNT, courtesy of Cockshiner and his brain.  It sort of looks like a panda!  No?  Ok.

Cliff Miller shows us how to handle yesterday's inkblot.  Don't like what you see?  Flip that shit over.  What the 'V' stands for has yet to be determined.

Getting back to the original Side Up (always arbitrary!) we have The Lazy Geographer, who stated, "I saw a Cow.  I named him Moooses.  He is the Prophet that will lead the cows from Wisconsin to California, where the cows are all happy."

When I questioned him abut the green bits, I was told "Maybe it is the green pastures of the holy land.  I'm just a geographer, not a theologian."  Fair enough!

My thanks to all you guys for taking the time to send those in.

Video-wise, this blog is catching up to where we are at with where the inkblot game is.  Not too sure where I am going with the whole thing.  Anyway, here is the start of Episode Eight:

Please Note: After the end of the last part (which I do not know when that will be) there will be a video of 'just the inkblots' for all you people that are not interested in the jibber-jabber. Moving on...

This time we have Jack "I Swear I Talk Softer When Things Are Being Recorded" and Buxton "I Can't Beleive I Lost To Jack Last Time" back for a rematch with a small appearance by Bavita "I'm Just Making A Small Appearance" and really odd instances of Rod "This Isn't What You Told Me You Were Going To Do At All!"

Look, I'm not entirely sure I knew what was going on, or what the deal is with post-game sound effects. This is all still taking shape, despite 8 previous episodes.


  1. lol man i like your post and pics!

  2. Your little vids are getting better production wise. This can only mean good things for the future.

  3. Some cool inkblot interpretations once again !! Also, you must become a psychologist, you were right about the girl mentioned in my blogposts... She turns out to be a huge freak in the bed :O

  4. man, i would never guessed that one, thought it was a skull

  5. that inkblot looks like a set of headphones to me

  6. I wish I were right on the first one, that would have made an excellent movie. Or has it already? Hmm...

  7. I find this concept just as fascinating as I did on day one. Great post, bro, you know I'm a loyal fan.

  8. perhaps a stupid question, but are these actually just one thing or can it really be anything?

  9. ROFL the guy hitting the woman, how the HELL did they deduct that one!?

  10. lol always funny to see others' ideas for what is being shown in an inkblot. :D

  11. Oh look, dat's my pic, lol.
    The video is pretty disturbing, but i liked the milk with wings interpretation.

  12. Hey Rorschach, inkblots looking pretty cool, the Krang thing tripped me out a bit though.


What do you see?