Friday, October 22

Inkblot Of The Day (Friday)

"I see that last plain cake donut left in the box in the conference room at an office after everyone rushed to take all the jelly filled and sprinkled donuts."

No, it's not the start of a heartbreaking tale of hunger and baked goods, it's what 3rd_Shift_Clerk saw in yesterday's blot.  While the rest of us (on homegrown meth) were hung up on pandas and skulls, 3rd_Shift was empathizing with pastries.

Nice job adding the 3D Box effect with the yellow lines.  At least I assume that's what it is, and that this donut isn't in the middle of some test with lasers at MIT.  Thanks for volunteering!

I'm going to see if I can get someone to draw what I see for today's blot:

Don't forget to email if you drew something on top of this in a fit of insane boredom.


  1. what should the first be? Oo
    it seems and evil panda!

  2. Okay, yeah, for real and no joke, I hella see a panda with butterfly wings. Big, broad ones, decorated and majestic.

  3. A demonic-like panda with wings, with its hands on the head of a little child.

  4. There is a special level in hell for all you panda lovers.

  5. In the second one I see an angel. I'm not even religious.

  6. i saw space in the first one. as in, the solar system.

    and the second one i saw a diagram of female reproductive organs.

  7. lol @ homegrown meth... how'd you know?

  8. two angles sitting across from each other exchanging gifts

  9. Rotate to 180%, it's a child, an happy female with a ribbon on her head.
    And there is a big V behind her back.

  10. I see a ponderous anthropomorphic cow.

  11. I see a chubby dinosaur with horns and wings

  12. Interesting one this time. I see a little devil with his little ol' wings spread.

  13. Wow, like a few people here, I see a panda bear with wings. Am I a lemming? With wings?

  14. I see a demon/goat head, wearing one of those collars popular in modern fantasy RPGs. It looks to be nice though, not quite an evil demon. I'm not sure what a good demon is called though...

  15. the inkblot kind of looks like a mask of a supervillain. Kind of like the Shredder from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

  16. an angel-winged cow wearing a bow tie

  17. I just see a cross-hair on the top one, and some sort of bug on the bottom one, no matter what I do I cant stop seeing pincers.

  18. It's a panda with wings hands down.

  19. i see a bull at the second pic... ;)

  20. I see two fairies dancing in the bottom one

  21. I see one of those guards from Oblivion


What do you see?