Thursday, October 28

Inkblot Of The Day (Thursday)

I noticed I got a good amount of traffic from strangertimes, an admirable blog covering some of the weirder things going on in the world, and I would like to attempt to reciprocate that.  I am not good with on the fly ads, so I'll just do this:


Here is what Hermann Goering saw on yesterday's blot (obviously from record, as I am no medium) as described from four different distances (in inches):

08 - two crablike animals
15 - two troll figures or parrots
30 - little dogs
50 - fantastic profiles i dont know what that blue stuff is tha tthey are blowing out

So, did your answer match his?  Do you share the same mind with a famous Nazi war criminal and violent morphine addict?  The answer is - Yes, you do.  At least, that is my segue in to showing what The Angry Vegetarian sent in:

I wonder now if his first two responses (removed by the author) were indeed due to his alleged technical problems, or if he was just conducting his daily meth-induced trephination.  Either way, I appreciate him taking the time to respond!

In a Freudian understanding of the mind, Hermann Rorschach hypothesized that the objects were perceived not at random but rather on the distinctive characteristics of the individuals involved.  Those characterstics could be identified through careful analsys of people's responses to blots.  Hopefully after doing this for a few months, I might be able to make my own assumptions on this decidedly strange tool of interpretation.


  1. wow i love this thank for sharing

  2. I just realized I forgot to put in the POOP text in that picture. Oh well, it's the brown spots below the bunnies.

    Today's blot I see a little cowboy in the middle with a angry crab like creature below him. On both sides of the cowboy are two elephants on their backs (on some sort of stand) with poo pouring out of them (I'm on a roll with the poo). The poo and cowboy are the deciding factors in doing an outline for this one. It shall be sent after a while.

    Checking out stranger times right now!

  3. Oh and thank you for putting the day of the week in your post titles. I didn't know what today was but I thought it was either Friday or Wednesday. This changes things.

  4. That thing about not knowing what day it was was 100% serious. I wasn't being sarcastic. I honestly didn't know what today was :(

  5. The most colourful inkblot I have ever seen! The one below it reminds me of a clown.

  6. Veg! You are one sick, sick animal!


    Great post, Rorshach. Nothing really jumps out at me on the page with that particular blot, though. :/

  7. I see Goons. Goons, you know, from the old popeye cartoons. They are doing some sort of tribal dance.

  8. I see the monster from Pan's Labyrinth with the eye-balls in his palms.
    I really liked this one for some reason, I was able to see lots in it.

  9. wow, that was a great explanation... but seriously ovaries and a sword?

  10. black dudes high fiving

  11. i see 2 futuristic floating robots

  12. these pictures will make me insan

  13. I didn't see a (no homo) tag where the dildoes were mentioned

  14. You know, I've been staring at this one trying to see something other than the usual panda or face. I think I'm just challenging myself to come up with something funny or interesting now. I see catprints in pee, spread around!?

  15. the first picture is making me insane :D

  16. Inkblot of today is freakin' awesome.
    You'll discover it soon.

  17. Awesome post once more, not sure about today's inkblot though...

  18. Yes, I still see the same thing the next day.

  19. "Hermann Rorschach was a Swiss Freudian psychiatrist and psychoanalyst" Whoa, I was not aware the title had that much depth as I thought it was just some random name.

  20. thanks for the plug!
    i see two shrouded midget- amputees gazing into vanity mirrors in the aisle of some outlandish clothing department


What do you see?