Monday, October 18

Inkblot Of The Day (Monday)

Mondays can be strange.  This just in from nubilus, from Friday's blot:

Yeah...I kind of wish I watched Twin Peaks now, just so knew what the hell was going on here.  Strange pictures from the man (I'm assuming) behind strangertimes.  Thanks for submitting your interpretation! 

And for today:

I rather like this one, despite the ink running off the top.


  1. I see a stag beetle in the middle with a horse on either side.

    I think my imagination is a bit turned off today as I'm in a horrible effing mood. I'm going to look at this again later on and see if I'm able to picture anything else, or if I'll still register the same things.

  2. Oh God, it's the bunny from Donny Darko.

  3. I see a hamster eating a nut in a field of flowers and wheat stalks.

  4. I think the twin peaks one looks a bit trippy.

  5. I get something very feline out of it, but nothing too solid or concrete.


  6. Same as OneForurSeven.

    Lets see what will tomorrow bring :)

  7. I see a really spiky spider. The eyes are near the bottom and all the slashes are just sharp spikes off the body.

  8. I see a spider looking at it's reflection

  9. doh maybe i should have called it "2 parallel mountains" lol...i wasnt referring to lynch's work

    hmmm the new image looks like a nasty mix of flesh eating insects munching on the entrails of a fallen knight

  10. I see a jumping pac man type thing with a mustache with two dancing girls on either sides and fireworks in the back

  11. A beatle, one of those kinds from the mummy that tear you up...

  12. I see one of those apes with the grey flaps on the sides of their faces (don't remember what they're called).

  13. I had a bit trouble with realizing what I was seeing on this one, but eventually I think it's seahorses. Yeah, seahorses. :)

  14. Hey Rorschach, funnily, I realized I never followed you, since when you try to follow from the button the the top and not on the follower bar, it sometimes doesn't (or always) work and will screw up.

    Anyways, in this ink blot... I see many lobsters

  15. That looks like 2 skinny penguins dancing


What do you see?