Wednesday, March 9

Inkblot Video (not Gnarles Barkley!)

If you mention "inkblots" and "music video" in the same sentence, you might find one of the millions of people that can direct you to this song: Crazy.

Good stuff indeed.  I just thought I would point you to this person's video, which apparently was some sort of school assignment from 2007 and is more my kind of video: it's got that brainwashing vibe (and music) to it.


  1. I really enjoyed that. That's something I'll bookmark for the next time I take some Ambien.

  2. pretty trippy stuff. These vids always reming me of the ghost from House on Haunted Hill ( (kinda spoils the ending if you actually want to see it))

  3. That's very good, made me anxious and thinking of the word punishment, initial screen shot shows two babies throwing up.

  4. I saw the word PUNISHMENT in there

  5. the question is, HOW MANY of yours did you see in that vid?

  6. im lost. i didnt even know what i saw.


What do you see?