Tuesday, April 5

Inkblot Of The Day (Tuesday)

Ah, image negatives.  Really highlights the ink density and spread.  LISTEN TO ME AND MY MADE-UP TERMS.  HAHA.  It also gets rid of that cursed fold line.

When the effect was first applied, I thought, "Wow, just like a phoenix or something!"  Then I saw a duck and and realized I had not had breakfast.

Don't let me influence you, people.

If you haven't already, please go back one post and sum up Dustee's sanity in numerical format.  I figure ten numerical responses would make for a good average of blogging-peers before moving on to the next volunteer.  Help me satisfy my fetish for charts and graphs!

Oh yeah, quick question:  Should I space out the Redemptions or do them as I receive them?  The rate of submissions waxes and wanes, but I am hesitant to show more than one at a time.  Keep everyone focused on who they are calling crazy.  Thoughts?


  1. that is exactly a phoenix! brilliant!

  2. A womans happy place and the redemptions are fine as they are.

  3. The black and orange sent me into space: notably I see the whole blot as a solar prominence.

  4. P.S. In case you hadn't seen it yet, I posted a happy peaceful video for you over on the flipside since all the disaster stuff was harshing your mellow.

  5. reminds me of vader. Its a scary orange darth vader.

  6. wow, it IS just like a duck! That's amazing!
    And the orange gives a pretty neat effect, use it more often ;D

  7. It looks like a wizard to me... ANd yes I think you should space them out.

  8. Reminds me of a firebird hood decal. My dad had one in the 80's.

  9. One at a time sounds good to me.

    Now for the image in question:
    I either see a buff/boastful strongman like Zangief...

    or a very old porn star with no shame.

  10. Can't go wrong with ducks or shameless porn stars.

  11. I see wings with platypus heads attached to them, with two duck heads above them all

    ...... i think you're influencing me, duck

  12. The "Moth Man" standing upright and holding his wings forward.

  13. I love this blog; it's so unique.

  14. It looks like some mighty arcane caster with both hands in front of him.

  15. It's interesting!! and ermm... it's a ......
    duck ? or sigh *whispers* first thing I thought was hmm that's a scary whoohaaa... yes I said whoohaa (ok... cutting to the chase) porn star!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog :) and commenting! I now have disco ducks and donuts...


    Following you now... Your blog is very interesting!!



What do you see?