Tuesday, April 12

Inkblot Of The Day (Tuesday)

I see much Evil in this one.

I see wasps, grasshoppers, goldfish, horned-beast-skull-wearing-cult masters, hummingbirds, skeleton snakes, and aliens.  All things that are commonly associated with evil.  (Yes, even goldfish and hummingbirds.  ESPECIALLY goldfish and hummingbirds.  A greater pair of vicious and malignant beasts can not be had on this earth!  Don't be fooled by their tiny brains and vapid expressions!)

Thanks, tangents.  Thangents.


  1. >horned-beast-skull-wearing-cult masters

    This was the first thing that came to mind when I looked at this blot.

  2. yeah, i see an evil insect type creature and it's kind of freaking me out so I'm not going to explain anymore. haha

  3. Yeah I know what I see in this one... I'm gonna save it and draw it out, I wont bother explaining it this time.

  4. I see a demonic duck flying at me, which is a common occurrence as I have 9 of the bastards in the back garden.

  5. I see an owl with killer eye-brows

  6. Ha! I didn't even see the owl. Now I can't NOT see it. Hmm...

  7. It's definitely very insect like, and evil. I of course see a horned something or atennae at the top.

  8. a very spiky / prickly plant or cactus with a scorpion like insect on top.

  9. I see a bird eating shiskabob skewers.

  10. Some weird insect with really odd legs. Strange.

  11. I see a lot of things :( i sent in my drawing

  12. I all so see Giraffes, and we all know there evil... "I'm going to eat all the leaves on the tree so all the other animals will die... oh nom nom"
    Dam all them vegetarians, I should eat them all.

  13. I see an angry lobster seeking revenge for his fallen comrades.

  14. I see a tiger with big teeth


What do you see?