Friday, October 1

Inkblot Of The Day (Friday)

“The paradox of reality is that no image is as compelling as the one which exists only in the mind's eye.”
-Shana Alexander

I'm using a blot that I used on a group of people not too long ago.  I got a lot of interesting responses and drawings, which you will see in future video episodes.  Speaking of which, when I post Episode Five up over the weekend, I will try to explain what the heck is going on with those videos a little better.  I'd also like to  talk about the response to the poll; some interesting stuff there, so thanks to all that participated.
Speaking of which, there is a new poll, so drop some votes.


  1. I see two seahorses holding a Buddha baby. The whole thing reminds me of Pokémon - no idea why.

  2. love the pic!
    i see a happy bear. =D

  3. I see two baby goats sitting up on their hind legs, using their fore legs to play together with toy balls.

  4. perhaps worryingly, i instantly saw a gaping vagina.

  5. (sideways) a baby crawling on a reflective surface

  6. Some sort of polar bear and 2 creatures upright on their tails

  7. I see a sting-ray of sorts, going over a rocky reef.

  8. I definitely see what looks like two children or creatures or something sitting upright, looking like they are holding something together. Very interesting ink blot.

  9. what an interesting blog.

    also, i see rock'em sock'em robots lol

  10. lmao, hmm.. i see a panda bear in the middle

  11. Patty cake, patty cake... =D I love these things, I'll have to show my girlfriend too. Good job.

  12. Its a man with 2 penises, who is crying.

  13. I see 2 kids playing patty-cake or some other clapping game. They are sitting on the the ground with their legs crossed.

  14. I spent my first 3 years of college thinking about becoming a psychiatrist and did a lot of "independent research" working in clinical offices and got to classify a bunch of inkblots. it was pretty cool.

  15. Again, i'm not sure if its my lack of creativity, but what I see immediately is this:

    A bear, plotting something behind its poker face, with long fairy-like wings. It is tip-toeing, as if to burst into flight at any second

  16. I see a panda w/ a bowling ball for a head. (I had no idea what I was thinking)

  17. A lot of animals emerging from this blot. Interesting!

  18. I see a panda bear sitting in a chair! hey that rhymed!!

  19. cool post!;)

  20. mmm im not quite sure i see anything at all there haha maybe im just tired

  21. badass quote bro. the one at the top about the mind's eye

  22. looks like a beanie baby bear.

  23. I see a woman laying down with her gaping vagina facing toward me.

  24. Your kidna freaking me out man.

  25. I appreciate you visiting my blog and providing input on my most recent post.

  26. I don't mean to sound racist but I definitly see some member of the Ku Klux Klan there... Also, he seems to be choking a black person !!

    Does this mean I'm a bad person since that what came first to mind for me when I saw the picture ?? :(

  27. No, thank you frank, I was reading the comments desperately for somebody that saw a KKK guy, but hes being choked by either side by two black children. Very symbolic. I was worried too Frank, then I saw your comment.

    Also, theres a man with two penises. <3 Travie.

    Awesome post this time around, Rorsch, and thanks again for the wonderful comment. This picture in particular has so many things that shift just by tilting my head a bit, its a very good example of what an inkblot test should be. I could see most of the commentators images at first glance.


  28. I see a panda bear. Though I could just be an idiot. Are your seeings open to interpretations, or is there a 'right and wrong'?

  29. I see an adorable panda smiling because he's being kissed by two teddy bears. Teehee! Love it!

  30. The first things I seen were a cute ghost standing atop teeth/mouth. I also see two sets of twins. The outer most standing with hats on, the inner two are crouched with no heads.

  31. it's a Morse dudes look at his black hands or is it a panda?

  32. This blog is amazingly cool. I see a black-winged shy chubby panda bear, perhaps influenced by your image on the right though =P

  33. I see a tank from above...

  34. these are interesting lol, i see a damaged toy bunny


What do you see?