Thursday, May 5

Open To Interpretation: Session 3

Jack's Pyro Gnome

Final scores from last Session
EDIT: Don't forget to email me if you want to be eligible for some prizes.

Ok, so I screwed up last time and cut the votes off a bit early,  but I think it is safe to say Jack wasn't going to get any more votes.  Overall though, it's still pretty close with only 1 or 2 points difference between us, and at least one more Session to go.  (Four is the minimum, but five would be nice.)

Please donate, or find someone that can, and threaten them with whatever you have handy to get them to pop a few dollars in here, as it is all going to charity.  We hope you enjoy and continue to show that voting enthusiasm for Session 3:

I had to head this post with Jack's Gnome, because it would look awesome in the thumbnail for Blogger and Facebook.  Let's get the other interpretations up here along with the original blot, which some of you may remember (and have even seen your own gnome!)

Original Blot

Fail's uh...Interpretation

My Time Portal Grill

Now, go and vote (on the widget on the right) for which interpretation you can see or agree with the most!
Check out the older Sessions in the Charity/Contest link.

And of course, where would we be without Dalek's many interpretations of which we only saw a small sample of in this video:


Also, if you have ANY inkblot interpretations (pick one from The Collection) you would like to share with the blog, or if you have any questions, statements, or hate mail, just send it all to!

(Did you know there is now a Back To Top button on the bottom right of the page?  Outside the box, in a manner of speaking.)


  1. It's a toss up between 1 and 3, but since I can only choose one, I voted for My Time Portal Grill

  2. i saw the gnome more than anything, but maybe because it's the first one i was shown
    i remember seeing the llama/homeless guy ones ages ago :D

  3. I don't know who to vote for so I closed my eyes and clicked until I hit submit. Did I do it right?

  4. I voted for... shhh, not telling..

  5. I love this blog, so different in a good way.

  6. Voted. Daleks interpretations rock, too. Effin' badass.

  7. I don't see anything at all in these ones lol

  8. I agreed with the Gnome, but honestly, I see someone raising two metal handsigns ( \m/ ) with a huge smile on their face while surrounded by flashing lights. AKA, the total effing rockstar.

  9. Hummm. The first option. But don't take my word for it. I might be as crazy as the guy who made it! ;)

  10. ripping apart mickey mouse! hahaha

  11. I'm interested!

  12. Is it bad not to see anything?

  13. Daleks 2nd one reminds me of Jesus...


What do you see?