Sunday, October 31


í THíñk ThëRÊ Wâ$ §ôMëtHÎñg Îñ thÃt §ÑíÇkë®$ bî...
tHÊ lÖl£ípôp$, 
Öh HôW THëý dâñçÊ!

Saturday, October 30

Inkblot Of The Day (Saturday)

Yeah, I haven't quite finished the final part of Episode Eight, so that will have to pop-up in the middle of the week.  Since it is Halloween weekend, I am expecting it to be rather spartan on the blogging end of things, and it is absolutely gorgeous out, so maybe I am just trying to justify my predicted absence.

In the spirit of the season, I am putting up this video I made about a month ago.  Not blot related, but the little story (written by Anonymous) made me laugh and feel creeped out at the same time, so I tried to add to that.  Bonus points for figuring out what is going on in the background.

I was also trying to get some Halloween colors in to the blots (since I already had black there) and things look a lot more like ink got spilled instead of blotted.  Still, I have learned when I think no one will see anything, that is generally a sign that someone is going to see something that makes me go, "Of course!"

Friday, October 29

Now With Prizes

Got a few interpretations from yesterday's blot, but I need to make two announcements.  Well, one is an announcement, the other is a request.

One (1): I am pleased to announce the inclusion of a prize to the Rorschach Redemption inkblot game-YouTube-thingy.  Winners will have the name of their choice attached to a $10 donation to the INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR CORRECTIONAL & FORENSIC PSYCHOLOGY.
I hope this induces mixed feelings in any future winner, as it says more about your psyche than it does anything about my charity.  Is it still considered charity if my intentions are to cause discomfort?

Two (2): I need strangers.  I need people to be in the quiz, and I need people to generate 'wrong answers.'  Well, I don't *need* that, but I can't help but feel it would continue to add to the entertainment value, and I am juuuust starting to wear out my welcome on the forums in which I gathered those answers for previous episodes.
If you have spare time, please be being pleased to email me at

For those of you not just glancing by the page, I implore you to continue reading as I paste Cliff Miller's number-coding to his image.  Several people, including myself, saw a similar shape:

Click to Enlarge
A - Its hair or hat
B - Its eye
C - Its shoulder
D - Its elbow (with a cool extension [c.e.], a shadow or dress extension I suppose)
E - Its hand
F - Its fingers maybe typing
G - Its chest
Green: Some stains
Red: Fuck yea, a V on its back, again I said, I saw something also, and I would of described it as some sort of Mickey Mouse hat-wearing Plague Doctor, but I appreciate Cliff's clinical breakdown here.

From the Bacefook, I have a submission from Dalek, complete with right/wrong coding and references to my pronunciation of certain terrain-walkers from Star Wars:

"Clearly it's two fat guys with nice packages high fiving and there's a fucking rabbit in the background."
Clearly!  Thanks for the multiple-package delivery.

Third, but not fourth, is continuing contributor A-Veg, aka The Angry Vegetarian, who is getting in the spirit of...uh...well he made a submission, and that's what counts!  :D
(P.S. - It's Friday)

Click To Enrage
And here is something from Nadia that I just can't keep to myself for Episode Ten:

Pretty damn cool.  No text, no description, just some furries enjoying the sunset together on a rooftop?  Expect to see more of this person's brain in the future.

After all that it kind of seems weird to try something new, but what the hell.  The inkblot below is to be viewed at it's actual size.  I'm just curious as to how that will work out.

Clicking will not Enlarge!

Thursday, October 28

Inkblot Of The Day (Thursday)

I noticed I got a good amount of traffic from strangertimes, an admirable blog covering some of the weirder things going on in the world, and I would like to attempt to reciprocate that.  I am not good with on the fly ads, so I'll just do this:


Here is what Hermann Goering saw on yesterday's blot (obviously from record, as I am no medium) as described from four different distances (in inches):

08 - two crablike animals
15 - two troll figures or parrots
30 - little dogs
50 - fantastic profiles i dont know what that blue stuff is tha tthey are blowing out

So, did your answer match his?  Do you share the same mind with a famous Nazi war criminal and violent morphine addict?  The answer is - Yes, you do.  At least, that is my segue in to showing what The Angry Vegetarian sent in:

I wonder now if his first two responses (removed by the author) were indeed due to his alleged technical problems, or if he was just conducting his daily meth-induced trephination.  Either way, I appreciate him taking the time to respond!

In a Freudian understanding of the mind, Hermann Rorschach hypothesized that the objects were perceived not at random but rather on the distinctive characteristics of the individuals involved.  Those characterstics could be identified through careful analsys of people's responses to blots.  Hopefully after doing this for a few months, I might be able to make my own assumptions on this decidedly strange tool of interpretation.

Wednesday, October 27

The Psychology of Bloggers and Nazi Leaders

I went to the library to see if there were any books on Hermann Rorschach to find out not about klecksography, a mere game, but to gain some insight on the man who pioneered their use in psychology.

Didn't find shit, captain.  But I did find a book called The Nuremberg Mind, The Psychology of the Nazi Leaders.  The computer assured me it was very inkblot-related, and at first glance, I thought: An inkblot in the center of a swastika on the cover?  I'll bite.  (I couldn't find a link to the cover, so deal with phone-cam.)

I felt slightly odd, perhaps guilty, walking this book up to be checked-out.  I feel like I am on some sort of list now.

It turns out the book focuses on the inkblot test that was part of the evaluation of the Nazi's head honchos that were in the hot seat at this famous trail.  The book was written in 1975, and seems pretty slanted.  The individual responses of the war criminals to some of the (what is now) standard Rorschach test cards are certainly interesting.  Everything else, including the authors' opinions, are steamy bags of pig piss. 
I don't need to worry about my book summary, because the last line of the book, and I shit you not, is: The Nazi were not psychologically normal or healthy individuals.

What I did get out of the book is that the testers flipped the cards around, did multiple testings, and even had them view the blots from up to 10 feet away.  So at least I got a few ideas out of the book that probably has me on some FBI red-flag list.

So, not to leave you without a blot, I am going to put up Card X from the standard Rorschach deck.  Hermann Goering commented to one of the testers, "Oh, those crazy cards again...[laughs] know, one of the [other prisoners] said you showed him a lot of vulgar pictures."
I know how you feel, anonymous tester.  I know how you feel...
I am like you, and anyone that has ever responded in this blog is exactly like Hermann Goering.  

I'll post his responses tomorrow.

Note:  Not one war criminal saw a panda in any of the blots.  

Tuesday, October 26

Episode Eight (Part 2 of 3)

Ok, if you are not one of the several people that watch these vids, at least go look at the comments from yesterday's blot.  They cheered me up...maybe you could use a boost?

Also, I am sorry if the trouble I indicated yesterday seemed personal; it was nothing major.  Thanks to those that checked and/or emailed.

Don't forget: eventually (as I get the new computer in order) there will be a slideshow of the blots-per-episode with fancy-pants transitions and all.  Not that I am stopping our little game, but 90% of the people that are interested in this blog and the blots want their instant gratification.  :)


The continuation of the strugles of one woman and her desire for 'the long ones' and one man and his inability to grasp the phrase, "Ladies first."
Also, more human error.

I'd just like to point out that a new computer does not mean there will be an increase in graphics or performance!  In fact, quite possibly the opposite!

Monday, October 25

Inkblot Of The Day (Monday)

Having a bit of trouble today, lads.

Sunday, October 24

Inkblot Of The Day (Sunday)

Click To Enlarge

Saturday, October 23

Episode Eight (Part 1 of 3)

Ooops!  I didn't get this one in time.  My bad.  From Thursday's blot:

That is Krang from TMNT, courtesy of Cockshiner and his brain.  It sort of looks like a panda!  No?  Ok.

Cliff Miller shows us how to handle yesterday's inkblot.  Don't like what you see?  Flip that shit over.  What the 'V' stands for has yet to be determined.

Getting back to the original Side Up (always arbitrary!) we have The Lazy Geographer, who stated, "I saw a Cow.  I named him Moooses.  He is the Prophet that will lead the cows from Wisconsin to California, where the cows are all happy."

When I questioned him abut the green bits, I was told "Maybe it is the green pastures of the holy land.  I'm just a geographer, not a theologian."  Fair enough!

My thanks to all you guys for taking the time to send those in.

Video-wise, this blog is catching up to where we are at with where the inkblot game is.  Not too sure where I am going with the whole thing.  Anyway, here is the start of Episode Eight:

Please Note: After the end of the last part (which I do not know when that will be) there will be a video of 'just the inkblots' for all you people that are not interested in the jibber-jabber. Moving on...

This time we have Jack "I Swear I Talk Softer When Things Are Being Recorded" and Buxton "I Can't Beleive I Lost To Jack Last Time" back for a rematch with a small appearance by Bavita "I'm Just Making A Small Appearance" and really odd instances of Rod "This Isn't What You Told Me You Were Going To Do At All!"

Look, I'm not entirely sure I knew what was going on, or what the deal is with post-game sound effects. This is all still taking shape, despite 8 previous episodes.

Friday, October 22

Inkblot Of The Day (Friday)

"I see that last plain cake donut left in the box in the conference room at an office after everyone rushed to take all the jelly filled and sprinkled donuts."

No, it's not the start of a heartbreaking tale of hunger and baked goods, it's what 3rd_Shift_Clerk saw in yesterday's blot.  While the rest of us (on homegrown meth) were hung up on pandas and skulls, 3rd_Shift was empathizing with pastries.

Nice job adding the 3D Box effect with the yellow lines.  At least I assume that's what it is, and that this donut isn't in the middle of some test with lasers at MIT.  Thanks for volunteering!

I'm going to see if I can get someone to draw what I see for today's blot:

Don't forget to email if you drew something on top of this in a fit of insane boredom.

Thursday, October 21

Inkblot Of The Day (Thursday)

Here is today's skull.  I mean, inkblot.

Click Image To Enlarge.  Do It.

Like I said some hours ago: Screw subjectiveness.  Pandas are everywhere, because of black circles on white.  Skulls baby, that's where it's at.

Unsee the writing on the wall
Inkblots Are Easy To Shoop

Let me know if you see anything other than a skull or panda (you know, the one in the center of the 'brain' with it's hands on it's chin) in this.  If you are feeling adventurous, MSPaint that top image with your interpretation and send it to

Wednesday, October 20

I Am A Needle User

I started using needles...
...for making inkblots.  :D

I was using the dropper that came with the ink.  The needle, with it's smaller 'nozzle,' allows for a greater spread of blots on the paper.  In my eye, this makes for slightly more detailed images.  I am not entirely sure what I am talking about because I am being haunted by my triforce of insomnia:

I know I should be presenting them in a subjective format for maximum response, but screw that.  I see: 

1) The one on the top is a horned-horse-headed demon giving me the thumbs up. 2) Bottom Left - OBVIOUSLY a skull, à la Punisher, 3) DAMN JUGGALO!

So, gonna try to sleep now.  These will be dry by morning.  I think I will go with ol' Skully to scan.

Inkblot Of The Day (Wednesday)

Sanity is for the weak, sleep is for the dead.  Hamsters?  They are running around in The Lazy Geographer's head via the blot from Monday:

File name: I see hamsters

ElChristo sent me another interpretation, and then a follow up email to say, "Sorry, in case it's not obvious, it's a frog in some grass :)"

Click to enlarge.

Actually it is rather obvious.  Any idea of why it appears to be praying?  Just curious.  Quite a cool drawing, actually.

So thank you both for taking the time to do that.  It really helps keep things interesting and confusing; and any user-submitted interpretations always have a special place on my hard drive.  In the INSANE folder.

For today (I spent way too much time determining which way was up):

Email anything you want to!

Tuesday, October 19


i got your emails
now I can't stop being distracted by attempting to find recognizable shapes in normal everyday life
i have got to stop looking at everything

 last 'random digital' blot unnerving

unless we are all seeing things

Monday, October 18

Inkblot Of The Day (Monday)

Mondays can be strange.  This just in from nubilus, from Friday's blot:

Yeah...I kind of wish I watched Twin Peaks now, just so knew what the hell was going on here.  Strange pictures from the man (I'm assuming) behind strangertimes.  Thanks for submitting your interpretation! 

And for today:

I rather like this one, despite the ink running off the top.

Sunday, October 17

Episode Seven (Part 2 of 2)

I got an email from ElChristo about his interpretation of Friday's blot:

I see the pokemon Exeggutor, holding some guns :)

That's right.  With guns, bitches.  I know a few of y'all didn't see too much in that blot, but getting this image made me glad I didn't trash it before posting it.   Thanks, ElChristo!

Before I post Part 2 (not that it won't be showing just under this text) I feel compelled to tell you that I am a pretty realistic guy, and that I know a large percentage of you are not watching the videos, or only watching a small part of it.  'Tis cool; I know they are long and the blot-morphings (which is my favorite part) are few and far between. 
That being said, I implore you: if you only watch one part of the video, please make it 3:41, listen for a few moments, then comment here on what you think the tagline would be for that image if it were a movie.

I'm glad some of you can fall asleep to my voice.  I'll take that as a compliment, for now.  :)

"Don't forget to watch part one. Chelsea continues to get a kick out of guns and Ben continues to not be from the UK.

Who is in the lead? Who cares, because of two words: Lightning Round."

Music: 'Cloudwalk' by transient. Yes, I am recycling some music because I lost a ton of bookmarks. Besides, this one is great!

NOTE: I haven't gotten around to my fellow bloggers as much as I wanted to this weekend.  You all know how it is.  It's just a time thing.  I should return to form tomorrow.
FURTHER NOTE:  Anyone else having a hard time editing/posting with the blogger this weekend?

Saturday, October 16

Two new players.  Same messed up answers.

My thanks to Chelsea "I Laugh Disturbingly At The Mention Of Guns," and Ben "Not The Ben From Britain," for their uh...fierce? competition.

As always my thanks to anonymous.  You make peering in to the mind's eye a horrifying affair.

Feel free to email or leave a comment or message here if you want to be a part of the game, or even if you just want to yell at us for not seeing the obvious.
Please include what you think 'obvious' is.

Music: "Weird Clerkfish is Swimming Away Satiated" by Herr Bubenschtol

Friday, October 15

Inkblot Of The Day (Friday)

Three pleasant emails awaited me today with various interpretations from yesterday's blot:

I see a bird headed winged demon pulling a 18th century pirate, or Cap'n Crunch, into a bottomless abyss.

This from Janus Kane, already noted for his deep brooding manner.  I love the fact that it could be an 18th century pirate OR Cap'n Crunch.  I vote for the later.

Then there was Dan, who might want to tone down his action-movie intake:

I'll admit that it is pretty bad-ass and I would watch a movie based off of it.

Last but not least, The A-Vegenator, who I think skipped a few doses of his daily meds:

The Creature from the Black Lagoon (with bat on head) taking on two (ninja) turtles. Also, some dogs and foxes.

All three are entertaining, interesting and slightly disturbing.  I appreciate the effort.

Cockshiner had a bit of insight: "I've noticed that when there are more colors, it feels like things jump out at me less. I almost always see something in single color ink blots."

Thank you for this.  It is exactly the type of info I am looking for.

Feel free to email any interpretations or...well, anything, to  Enjoy your weekend.  

Thursday, October 14

Inkblot Of The Day (Thursday)

Two submissions from yesterday.  The first from Janus Kane:

I see a holy figure spilling corruption and shame onto those he swoops above.

And the other from The Angry Vegetarian:

A Storm Trooper riding a big crab with Pedo Bears in hot pursuit. 
(File name: 2muchinternet.jpg  Ha!)

A nice display of how some people take in the whole image and some see different parts as different things.  I wish I had something to offer you gents in return; perhaps I will visit you in your padded cell when the time comes.  Just my way of saying thanks for taking the time to share your brain with the rest of us.

Does color make a difference in what you see?  Or shading?  Did I ask this already?  I've noticed that I see more of a variety of things when there are accidental shadings or purposeful color splashes.  Regardless, I am running out of black ink, so here is today's blot:

Don't forget you can click on the image to enlarge it.  Oh yes, if you have done any doodles on top of any of the blots, please feel free to email me at  No art skill required!  I don't care if it was a blot from a week ago either, I just like seeing them and collecting them.

Wednesday, October 13

Inkblot Of The Day (Wednesday)

15 out of 20 people on this site report that they comment on the first thing they see in the blot without giving it too much thought.  Just, POW!  Whatever pops in to the head.  Is that what Cockshiner did with yesterday's blot?


I'm sure he'd be interested in what you think of his thoughts.
I am pleased that he took the time to outline this in the ol' MSPaint and send it in.  Thank you, kind sir.
Today's blot seems a bit more 'busy' than usual.


Tuesday, October 12

Inkblot Of The Day (Tuesday)

Wow, would you look at this bit of artful wonder made from yesterday's blot?

Thanks Nadia!

Here is the description that came along with it:  "Something that seems like it's from a FF universe.  A giant advanced city with a complicated type of highway/walkway city with water pods that drip into the bottom of the city.
Something like Water 7, I guess...
I was pretty wowed by it.  And apparently it only took them 20 minutes.  Here is the blot for today, which was almost one for the trash can:

Monday, October 11

Inkblot Of The Day (Monday)

First, a quick look in to a user-sumbitted interpretation from Friday:

Thanks, Mrs. Slendy!

Today's blot leads me to ask myself (and sure, why not everyone else?) which way is up?  I confused myself with this one.  I just don't remember, so take your pick.

Sunday, October 10

147 on 2k music: OCRemix to brighten your Saturday

147 on 2k music: OCRemix to brighten your Saturday

 Just linking to some excellent music.  The blog ain't too shabby either.  :)

Episode Six (Part 2 of 2 or For The Love of Panboar)

Moving right along...

The audio is even worse! Points mean nothing! Both Jack and myself completely forget what it is we are doing!
Music: 'Variations In Whatever' by The Serendipitous Cacophonies

Always looking for submissions, and always looking for more 'subjects.'
Email if you are truly bored.

EDIT:  Whoops, forgot to add the pics for the people that don't care for the vids.